About Purifying.

In this series on purification, we are going to look at the effect that toxins have on the body… I have entitled this set of articles ‘Purify’ as I am going to see if I can help you get rid of as much rubbish from your body as possible. However, you will never, ever get perfect purification no matter how hard you try. If you take note of all the products sold that is claimed to kill germs, etc. the manufacturers never promise that every single germ will be eradicated, instead they always claim 99pc. so, you can bet your life that there are always going to be a few germs and toxins lurking around. And indeed, your body is so efficient that it is said to be good to have germs and toxins hanging around as it keeps your body doing its job efficiently. In fact, thinking of toxins and germs in general, you can be assured that your body is super-efficient, but like all body functions it can only tackle so much before it starts to slow down so it’s up to you to aid your body in the fight against dangerous toxins. There has never been a time in history when food is as high in chemicals and addictive substances as there is today, the number of additives is astounding, so your body needs all the help it can get. If you are interested in wellbeing, balance, and harmony, in these articles, we are going to look at how I can help you clean up your body, naturally. If you mainly consume take-aways, pre-package, and junk food, the type you just throw into the microwave or eat out of a box, then, the chances are that your body is a bit like the home of one of those people who hoard lots of junk, eventually their house, or in this case your body ceases to function properly. So, look out for the next article, where we will look at natural cleansing or purifying.