Be aware of your own wellbeing.

Awareness: Wellbeing:

For us to improve our life, health, and mental wellbeing, we need to take control of our thinking and take time out to become aware of ways in which we can achieve that status. There is no point in leaving our happiness, health, and contentment to other people. We are born alone; we die alone and in the interim time we must think of what we want out of life on our own. No one can control our thoughts, and even in the most terrifying situation we form our own thoughts. Others may be able to make us say words we don’t want to, or force us to take actions we don’t want to, but our thoughts are our own. And that is what we must be aware of. Your health is your riches, if you are healthy, and active physically and mentally that is indeed priceless. To remain as fit as possible, you need become aware of actions that could change that, such as ingesting substances, like drugs, smoking and drinking, lack of exercise, and over-eating. Be aware; and if you feel that anything you are doing is affecting your health, take control, or see your health advisor sooner rather than later.  Your happiness is mainly down to you… develop relationships that enhance your happiness, as opposed to ruining it, try to stay close to your family or to people who can support you when problems arise. Be aware of people that can spoil your happiness and turn away from them. Contentment is your comforter… Never put yourself in unnecessary danger. Be aware of rules that keep you safe, such as the rules of the road. Be aware of becoming too confrontational with others, for you seldom if ever change someone else’s mind, for you must be aware and remember that you cannot control what someone else thinks! No matter how hard you try.


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