Trist in your partner.

Emotions:  Trusting:

Today we are looking at the emotion of Trust – Trusting enables you to be confidence, hopeful and assured. Do you trust your partner? Do you trust your neighbour? Are you sure that everything is secure in your life? Well, if you are confident in your trust of others and of your current situation, that is wonderful, but beware, because you can be too trusting. Being trusting is brilliant, it makes you self-confident and happy. Personally, I love that feeling. I loved knowing that my husband was faithful, and I love knowing that my family will always help me if I were in trouble, I have no doubts at all. I love knowing that I can leave my purse with friends and they will not, in any way abuse that trust. But… take care, for its great knowing you can trust the people closest to you and people you have known for years, but you do have to be on guard if you are dealing with people, you do not know very well or if you are in places, you have never been to before. Having your trust shattered can be catastrophic to your mental stability so you do have to be on your guard. Learning to trust someone or something doesn’t happen overnight it takes ages to get to know new people who come into your life.  The opposite to your trust is to be doubtful of someone or something, which includes being dubious or suspicious.  If you are uncertain about your car, be sure to have it looked over by a professional. If you have doubts about your pet, and don’t trust it to be calm and gentle around your children or strangers, you are better giving it to an animal trust so that it can be housed in a more suitable place and if you are dubious of your partner drop him or her like a hot brick! If your partner isn’t treating you with the utmost respect, if they treat you with contempt and disrespect you in front of your family members and friends then say goodbye as quickly as possible.


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