Anger Problems?

Emotions:  Anger:

Anger is a particularly powerful emotion we feel when things go wrong, or if someone irritates or annoys us. We all get angry from time to time, which is usually accompanied with stress, and frustration. When we become angry, we can feel physically uncomfortable, our blood pressure rises, as does our voice and perhaps, our actions. Most people can keep their anger under control by stepping back and calming down. It’s only when the lack of control of our anger becomes a problem then you need to seek help. People with an anger problem, can usually keep their anger away from friends and neighbours it’s only their nearest and dearest that has to bear the brunt of someone who finds it difficult to control their anger and frustration. Letting anger get the better of you can cause all kinds of problems, think of ‘road rage’ for example, such rage and anger can end in catastrophe. If you feel that you are extremely stressed and are finding it ever more difficult to control your bursts of anger, and that they are getting more frequent, to save both yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary problems, your best bet is to go to your health advisor and seek help, fast!


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