wild and free

Wonderful World: Wildlife.

With all the hype about changes in climate etc., it is feared by many that our wildlife which includes animals, birds and insects will suffer. But far from climate change, much of our UK wildlife is affected by increased population and the fact that people need to eat and that includes you! A lot of our land has been claimed from the wild for agriculture causing a lot of our wildlife to lose their natural habitats. But being the ever optimist, I feel there is quite a lot we can do on an individual basis to help give our wild creatures space and comfort. Never, ever kill bees, butterflies, or any other pollinators for that matter, as it’s they that keep our wild meadow, field and garden flora going strong, along with our agricultural plants. Whenever you can, remember to feed the birds especially during the winter months and try to provide a space for them in the spring to nest without disturbance. There are lots of wild creatures that go for nuts and seeds that you can provide if you want to encourage squirrels and if you build up a small amount of wood, etc., in a quiet corner of your garden any amount of wildlife will take up residents that you can study. And we need to applaud those farmers who respect our wild animals and the land on which they thrive. All farmers, no matter what they specialise in can provide a small amount of land-space and water to help keep our wildlife healthy. And don’t forget to teach your children and grandchildren in ways they can help nature’s wildlife for its our youngsters future that’s at stake not ours.


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