Purify: Eat-Well

In last week’s article on Purifying your body, I suggested that you make up a 14day clean-eating plan that you could follow in order to get your body, mind, and spirit back into shape, and if you followed my suggestions, I hope you are feeling a lot better, and brighter. This week I want to give you some more clean food suggestions so that it can help you add more variety to your everyday meals. Breakfast can consist of no-added-sugar muesli, eggs that are boiled, scrambled, or dry-fried. Wholemeal bread as toast with peanut butter, oats made with water and a small splash of milk, plus fresh fruit. Fresh-fruit smoothies are good if you avoid adding more than a small, flat, tea-spoon of sugar on them and your breakfasts, and sweeteners are out. Sit down to eat your breakfast, never eat your important meals on the go. Lunches should mainly consist of fresh salad vegetables, with small amounts of meat, cheese or fish added. These heavy toxic-laden foods can be replaced with mild, cottage cheese, beans, lentils, avocado pear. Or salads can be replaced by wholemeal bread sandwich with just thin slices of meat, mild-cheese, or fish, with very little or no dressings (always go for ‘light’ dressings if you need them). Follow your salad or sandwich with fresh fruit, apple, orange, pear, small handful of grapes, with perhaps low-calorie yoghurt, if necessary? Your evening Dinner, main meal should be blessed with lots of fresh, green vegetables, plus, small portions of brown or wild rice, sweet potato, or wholemeal pasta. Protein can consist of small amounts of meat or fish, but can be replaced with beans, peas, or lentils. Eggs or mild-cheese can be part of your evening meal and your meal should end with fresh fruit.  Reward:  However, after 14 days on this very special healthy diet, to reward yourself, and to remind your body what it can do, make plans to go out to a good restaurant and have a non-diet, but healthy, enjoyable meal. Plus, a glass or two of your favourite wine. After all, we don’t want your body to get lazy and forget what it needs to do, eh?  Then maybe, after your ‘reward’ meal, drinks, and a late night out, feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and full of indigestion the next morning you may just be glad and can’t wait to get back onto your purifying, detoxing meals. I hope so…