There is nothing quite like the type of exercise you do when you are fully aware of the movements, the feelings, and the sensations you experience when you are performing the actions. Even the exercise of sitting still is excellent for your mental wellbeing. When looking at awareness exercise, we are not talking about breaking into a sweat, trying to build muscle, trying to lose weight, or clocking up steps on your smartwatch. What we are looking for is awareness exercises for the mind as well as the body. Whenever you do any kind of exercise there is always a warmup session, so before you start, on one of your awareness routines, get a mat that you really like the feel of, not the usual exercise or yoga mat, chose something like a thick, warm blanket, white or cream if possible. Then be sure to dress in lose clothing as opposed to gym tops and leggings, remembering to leave your feet bare. Once you are ready just lay down your mat and either sit comfortably of lie down and once you have slowly relaxed down, just stay quietly in the moment. Close your eyes, allow fleeting thoughts to flow away and just stay still… When you are ready slowly begin to do casual head, arm, and leg movements. Whatever movements you perform, be sure to keep your mind aware of what you are doing, each movement should be slow, deliberate, and purposeful and that includes deep breathing. When you feel completely relaxed and revived, slowly arise, fold away your mat and carefully put it away ready for tomorrow.

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