Anxiety can ruin your life.

Awareness: Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotional, psychological, and physical condition, that has many, many different symptoms, the most common being nervousness and abnormal amounts of fear. Fear itself is good because it alerts us to impending dangers but irrational fear is emotionally damaging. Anxiety, influences our mind to exaggerate everything. Someone who doesn’t suffer with anxiety will go to their GP and wait to hear what diagnosis he comes up with. Someone who suffers with acute anxiety will already be under the knife (so to speak.) A person who does not suffer with anxiety may have cut their hand, apply a sticking-plaster and forgets it, while the anxious person may remain in dreadful pain for hours. So, it’s all about a person who is aware of incidents that are happening around them and an anxious soul who is in great fear, are sweating, and extremely nervous. Anxiety is a mental disorder which changes a person’s way of thinking, it interferes with their hormone levels and it can amplify physical conditions.  Anxiety can manifest itself in many different symptoms from agoraphobia, medical conditions, obsessive and compulsive behaviour, and post-traumatic stress, along with substance-induced anxiety. So how to become aware of our anxiety and how to tackle it. If you believe your anxiety is wrecking your life and the lives around you, please consult your GP as soon as possible, so that he or she can set you on the right track. If you think your anxiety is manageable, you may be able to handle it by focusing on your fear, worry or pain and trying to calm down to a level that will help you cope. Be still, bring your mind into the moment, relax and your anxiety may settle down to a controllable level. Once your mind is focused, you may be able to calm your racing heart, put your worry aside and your pain may ease…


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