Proud like the lion...

Emotions: Pride.

Pride:   So, what are emotions? Our emotions are part of our human biology, they are triggered by the life we are living and the situations we encounter. Whatever the emotional position we find ourselves in there is always an opposite feeling, which may make us feel better or worse. In these articles I hope to help you tackle or come-to-terms with your negative emotions and to make the most of, yet not overdo, the positive emotions. A good emotion to start us off with is the emotion of Pride… There is little point in feeling proud all by ourselves so to get the best out of the emotion of pride it is always best shown to others, but beware! If you overdo your pride feelings to other people it can give them the impression that you are being conceited, superior or smug, especially if you are boasting of your own success… If, on the other hand you are showing pride in a family member, so that you don’t come over as being arrogant, it’s best for you to boast away to someone of equal status, or in a similar situation than it is to talk prideful to someone who is modest, humble or unsure of their own family members. Being over-boastful to someone who has no one to be proud of can make you appear disdainful, an appearance you obviously don’t want unless you don’t care who you hurt or offend, because, you always have to remember the old saying that ‘Pride cometh before a fall’ meaning that being over-proud can eventually become disastrous. So, like the lion, enjoy your feeling of pride but beware! 


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