So, so happy.

Emotions: Joyful:

Oh my! How wonderful it is to be joyful! Being joyful means that you are very happy. Perhaps you are looking forward to a holiday or perhaps it’s a special event, wedding, special birthday. Any, or all of these special times can make us feel excited, even ecstatic. Looking forward to something good is fantastic. But just as the emotion of being joyful is brilliant it’s coupled with the emotion of sadness, misery and grief, and how amazingly fast the emotion can be turned on its head… Just imagine you are all dressed up looking forward to going to see the show you have been looking forward to for weeks, you are excited and happy when suddenly you get a phone call to say that the person you were going with now can’t go, your joy and excitement immediately turns to disappointment, you probably feel annoyed and miserable. Or just imagine how you would feel if your child strayed off whilst you were out shopping you would suddenly be in a state of panic and shock, or perhaps your much-loved pet becomes sick.  Now think of the joy you would feel when someone brought your child back to you; seeing them safe would make you feel overjoyed with relief, or taking your sick pet to the vet you are informed that a couple of shots of medication and they will be fine and back to normal. The relief you will feel is overwhelming and joyful.  So, enjoy your joyful times…


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