Wonderful World

Wonderful World

According to geological scientists, the world is estimated as being around 4.6 billion years old, that is 4.600,000,000 years. It is believed that the world came together through the collision of clumps of debris from the universe which included gasses and dust, the particles continued to collide and gradually took on a sphere shape, which eventually became the circular planet as we know it. Once formed the earth was black and dry, and it took many billions of years for the planet to gain any kind of structure, but gradually over time, gasses such as oxygen and carbon dioxide covered the earth, droplets of water formed, and filled all the earth’s crevices and from that water, tiny shreds of a life-type force developed, and from them came life as we know it. A process that took billions of years according to scientists. If you are a Christian, you will probably know the story in Genesis, of how God formed the earth and all that is on it in 6 days, only to rest on the 7th day. But however you like to believe, the earth was formed, with all its wonders and faults, its 9.8m/2 of gravity, all its flora and fauna, the weather patterns, the seasons, the rocks, mountains and valleys, the seas and rivers, human beings… be it nothing short of an astonishing, and unbelievable miracle.


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