Wonderful World: Re-Energising

One of the most satisfying things you can do in the house is to de-clutter, tidy and clean, and after such a session most people will sit down with a cup of coffee, smile and admire their energising efforts… and so you can do the same for your small part of the planet. You can de-clutter, tidy and clean your balcony, your front and back garden and any small area around your plot.  No matter where you go, while there, be it a cinema, a café, a restaurant or park, keep the area where you and your family are sitting or playing tidy, clean and clutter-free. I have often been astonished to see how much mess some people leave on a table and the floor beneath in a café or restaurant, and the same must go for all the other places that these messy people frequent. Most clutter can be easily dealt with, paper can be recycled along with plastic, metal, cans and glass, and the small amount that cannot be recycled can be put in the rubbish bin. Once you have got into the habit of tidying up after yourself and encouraging your children to help you it soon becomes second nature and the task is complete before you know it. I had to walk past a small forest-type area that runs down beside a very nice school the other day and I was quite amazed to see how many empty crisp bags and empty plastic drink bottles had been discarded on the pathway…  Had these children and young people been encouraged to dispose of their waste properly their very tiny bit of the planet would have been saved. So, don’t forget to remind your children and grandchildren about the need to be aware of their waste items because it’s their future that’s at stake not ours.


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