Category: Uncategorized
Wonderful World: Oceans
I am sure we are all aware of the polluted state of our world’s oceans… The biggest source of pollution comes from the land, as many tons of unwanted items are dumped into our oceans on a daily basis. It has been noted by marine scientist that thousands of birds have died owning to the…
Wonderful World: Wildlife.
With all the hype about changes in climate etc., it is feared by many that our wildlife which includes animals, birds and insects will suffer. But far from climate change, much of our UK wildlife is affected by increased population and the fact that people need to eat and that includes you! A lot of…
Wonderful World: Farm Animals.
Despite the information going around about people dying all over the world as a result of climate change, the fact is, the population of the world is larger than ever before with people living longer. Obviously, with the rise of world population there has to be more food made available and as people choose to…