Emotion Tips

Emotions: Peace: Over the weeks, I have studied emotions, how we can deal with them to make life as easy and as tranquil as possible. For my last emotion I have saved the best till last which is to be peaceful. So, enjoy being at peace.

Emotions: Sad:  The emotion this week is sadness. We all aim to be happy, but we all feel sad from time to time. It may be an event, a sad story or film, or an advert about sick children, or animals. Whatever upsets you, it’s okay to be sad.

Emotions: Love: To be a loving person is of extreme importance to human survival. However, balance and harmony in life is everything, including your love-life, so, try to keep your feelings of love under control so that it doesn’t become over-bearing.

Emotions: Ashamed:  So awful to feel embarrassed or humiliated. Shame is a very painful emotion, wishing we could turn back the clock. So, if you are feeling ashamed or embarrassed, apologise immediately.

Emotions: Anger: Anger is a particularly powerful emotion we feel when things go wrong, or if someone irritates or annoys us. Its only when anger becomes a problem do you need to seek help.

Emotions: Joyful: How wonderful it is to be joyful! Being joyful means that you are very happy. Perhaps you are looking forward to a special event? Any special occasion can make us feel excited and joyful. So, enjoy your joyful times…

 Emotions: Fear: Humans have survived for many thousands of years due to their automatic emotions, and one of the most successful is FEAR. The involuntary feeling of fear triggers distinctive neurons in the brain which helps us to choose the best method to survive.

Emotions: Intrigued:  The emotion intrigued is to be curious about something, someone, or some unusual event… Being intrigued doesn’t happen every day, but just now and again something takes our interest and we become totally engaged with it.

Emotions: Disgust: Disgust is a natural emotion that aids our wellbeing. If opening a pack of meat or fish, and you find the smell disgusting would you eat it? Of course not. So, the emotion of disgust is helping to keep you healthy and happy.

Emotions: Surprise:  We all like surprises if they are pleasant. That special treat that comes out of the blue…   The emotion of surprise is usually very brief, and only lasts until our brain gets into gear, and we work out how to handle this surprising situation.

Emotions: Trust:   Trusting enables you to be confidence, hopeful and assured. Do you trust your partner, your neighbour and is your life secure? Well, if you are confident in others and your situation, how wonderful, but beware, you can be too trusting. A good colour to use is green.

Emotions: Pride: There is little point in feeling proud all by ourselves so it’s best shown to others, however, if you overdo your pride feelings it can give the impression that you are being conceited, superior or smug, so beware!

Emotions are triggered by events or situations that arise, usually, they are short-lived but can be seen by those around us. However, they can be controlled by positive thoughts, and with help from the Feng Shui Dragon.