Purify Tips.

Purify:  In this series on purification, we are going to look at the effects that toxins have on the body… I have entitled this set of articles ‘purify’ as I am going to see if I can help you get rid of as much rubbish from your body as possible.

Purify:  BodyPure:  The body is the most amazing piece of mechanism ever, and difficult to break down. But that is what we do every day as we ingest all kinds of toxins.  However, our amazing body has six dynamic organs working 24-7 to keep the body as pure as possible.

Purify: Toxins:  From the moment a baby is born toxins begin to invade its body, they are just a natural part of the body’s chemistry, but unless you live a healthy lifestyle, your internal organs will be under constant stress. 

Purify: Smoking: The body has to cope and deal with many toxins, but some people put their bodies under even more strain by developing bad habits like Smoking: But if you want to you really can stop smoking then your body becomes less toxic and purer.

Purify: Alcohol: Drink is very necessary for body-hydration. However, Alcohol can be deadly to some, and can ruin their lives and that of their loved-ones. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, seek help from your GP or AA as soon as possible,

Purify: Drugs: Just like tobacco and alcohol, drugs, both recreational, medicinal and OTC (over the counter) drugs are full of toxins that can affect and have devastating consequences on the body if mis-used. Note:  If you feel that you cannot control your drug intake, please seek help as soon as possible. 

Purify: Obesity:  To keep your inner-body clean and healthy you need to offset your food intake with lots of exercise, vegetables and fruit which will help maintain a healthy balance of nutrients whilst cleansing and refreshing.

Purify: Bodyworks: The immune system is the bodies first inner line of defense, and it works day and night to keep the body healthy. The body is full of microbes, and it is only if the immune system becomes weak do we fall sick so, it’s very important to keep our bodies, inside and out as pure as possible. 

Purify: Lifestyle:  The body must cope with multiple toxins, on a continual basis, and it does so with great skill and success, but, if the body becomes overloaded then we become sick. Your amazing body has a brilliant way of getting rid of toxins, but it can only do a great job if these organs are healthy. And that is down to YOU!

Purify: Clean-Eat: If you want to cleanse your body, always buy the best organic, and sustainable food. Prepare it from scratch at home and eat it as soon as possible. after two weeks you should feel more energetic, brighter, calmer, and slimmer.  Brilliant!  Let’s get started…

Purify: Eat-Well:  After eating-clean for two weeks, I hope you are feeling a lot brighter. This month I want to give you some more clean food suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus how to reward yourself for all your hard work.            

Purify: Exercise:  There is nothing that purifies the body, mind, and spirit more than exercise. Our amazing bodies were designed to move and in so doing helps to clear toxins and other poisons away. So, my friends, eat-clean, exercise gently, sleep well, keep emotions controlled and live for now!