What exactly are ‘Virtues’? A Virtue is a behaviour that shows high moral standards. Our long-standing virtues make us different from our animal companions. Although creatures of all kinds can communicate, and appear to have virtues by, for example, being faithful, not only to each other but to us humans, I have learned through animal trainers that most animals only portray the virtue of faithfulness to the people who feed and care for them. However, the vast number of human beings have a sensory called empathy and understanding which means as a species we do not take our virtues lightly. For example, the virtue of faithfulness is a higher virtue, not a ‘higher than thou’ type of virtue, it just means that many millions of people faithfully commit to their passions in life, such as their faith, their career, their family and friends, their community, and their own wellbeing, feeling assured that if they keep well, they are more likely to be able to help and assist others in their lives and living. And by doing that, you can be sure of using all of your virtues for the betterment and fulfilment of your own life as well as that of others.

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