Virtues: Commitment.

Commitment obliges you to do something… It is a strong virtue, a vow in which you promise to keep to someone or yourself. For example, a commitment to your career, to a life-long relationship, your family and a faith or philosophy. Here are five ways you can practice the virtue of commitment in your life:  Be self-aware: Before you commit to anything make sure you know yourself well enough: There is no point promising to do a job or offering help if you are not one-hundred percent sure you can go through with your offer.   Think before you speak: You may think that it will make you look good in the eyes of others if you commit to doing something: But think how foolish or incapable you will appear if you cannot fulfil your commitment. Commit to a career worthy of you:  What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Look into taking on a trade or profession that is equal to your worth.  Don’t be tempted to take any job of work. Don’t take on work just for the money. If you commit to anything because you cannot be bothered to follow your dreams and aspirations, or just work for money, it will not be long before you lack satisfaction with your day, and you go home bored, fed-up and tired.   Commit to spouse and family: There is nothing or no one more worthy of your commitment than your spouse, partner, children or the family that you love and cherish. When all your casual friends and colleagues have gone out of your life, the people you love and those who love you will still be there for you. Commit to yourself:  You only have one shot of this earthy life, so why not commit to yourself?  That doesn’t mean to say that you should put yourself before others, but by taking care of your body as best you can, by not over indulging on food, drink or abusive substances, by keeping active, avoiding obvious dangers and being smart! If you care for yourself, you are more likely to be able to care for others, a commitment that will enhance your living and your life. Remember: Committing yourself does not mean that you have to put your own life on hold just because you don’t want to appear a failure… As a person, you can only do so much but if others abuse your commitment such as a controlling and offensive partner or family member then, to protect yourself you need to cut your ties…


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