Brain-health: Use it or lose it...

Awareness: Brain health: 

Brain health is of the utmost importance, and to keep your brain in tip-top condition you need to USE it! Use it! Use it! – For if you don’t use it, you are sure to lose it… So, keep thinking! Our amazing brain is thinking all the time, even when we are not ‘thinking’ our brain is active, but to stop our brain being like an animal that is running wild, we need to be in control, to be focused and to be aware. What are you thinking about now, whilst reading this? Your answer may be that you don’t know, but I can assure you that thoughts are running through your mind even if you are not aware of them. And to be aware of your thoughts is what keeps your brain healthy. Its only by keeping our thoughts under control that we achieve that which our hearts desire. Not obsessive thoughts but planning and strategic thoughts.  Obsessive thoughts are those that become fixed in our minds, fanatical thoughts that block our resolve to be aware. Controlled thoughts are those thoughts that have a purpose, that plan, and move forward. If you would like to start up a business, as ideas flood in, jot them down on a pad, so that you don’t have to keep thinking the same thoughts and ideas, thoughts that later, you can dismiss if need be. If you need to write a letter or email to a friend, focus on what you want to say and then start writing, try not to let your thoughts wonder, until you have completed your words. Keep aware of what you need to say otherwise your thought could wonder off to ‘dinner tonight?’ or ‘that laundry you need to do.’ So, keep focused and don’t let your mind wonder off onto needless thoughts.


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