Mental fatigue, or exhaustion can lead to long-lasting tiredness, sore, aching muscles, slow reflexes, and poor decision-making, one of the main reasons why I recommend knowing when to step back and take a break. You don’t necessarily have to take a break from work or caring for the family but to take a break from thinking too much. Too much planning, too much worry, too much trying to sort someone else’s life out. STOP! And take a break. Are you too aware of yourself? Worrying about what you look like to other people, are you becoming irritable? Can you not relax and be easy… perhaps you are becoming too focused on yourself and losing touch with the rest of the world. Are you losing interest in everything else? If so, you may have been stressing your mind so much that everything breaks down and you end up crouched on a sofa, tired, weary, and aching. Reflecting too much on your own thoughts is not helping you mentally, you are not being aware of your mind if your mind keeps running out of control, thinking the same thoughts and worries day in and day out, eventually you become mentally exhausted and you just want to curl-up in a corner and be left alone… so how do we overcome mental fatigue? Firstly, I would recommend that you seek an appointment with your GP or health advisor, especially if you have any physical health issues that you are concerned about. Then perhaps take a day out somewhere that you are sure to enjoy, a day when you can just be yourself and not have to be constantly worried about anything else. A day with a friend, a day at the beach, or at a health spa. Anywhere where you can relax and give your brain and body a rest.

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