Have you ever wondered why you regularly fall asleep in front of the television or whilst reading a book, no matter how exciting the book you were reading, or the film, or documentary you were watching, yet when you get into bed you feel wide awake and find it difficult to go back to sleep? Usually, its because your mind is preoccupied in the film you are watching, or the words you are reading, and if you are sitting comfortably, and are warm you so easily drift off to sleep. But of course, having to go through your usual routine, preparing for bed, your mind stirs into action and you start to think. So, what do you think about? The events of the day, what is happening tomorrow, had you remembered to lock the back door, did the cat come in? You name it and you will be thinking about it, so, by the time you get around to lying down in your bed you are wide away. So, how can we pick up where we left off and effortlessly drift off to sleep again. One of the key ways to find rest and sleep is to have a quiet mind, there is an old saying that goes, ‘Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath’, meaning that if you go to bed very upset or angry the likelihood of you drifting off to restful sleep is virtually nil. Therefore, try to put away your upset, and anger by calming any aggression down with your partner or family. Once you get into bed, make sure you are warm and comfortable then try become aware of your breathing, calm down, relax and take control of your thoughts. Listen to relaxing music, if thoughts drift into your mind, let them go. And if you find it difficult to dismiss thoughts that are keeping you alert, try counting from one to seventy or whatever number you chose. Keep counting repeatedly and the next thing you will know, your alarm clock will be waking you up.

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