Emotions:  Intrigued.

Well…The emotion intrigued, is fascinating indeed. Just like the cat, being intrigued is to be curious about something, someone, or some unusual event or happening… Have you ever met someone who is – just that bit out of the ordinary, a person who is different? Are you intrigued by that person and would you like to find out more about him or her? Being intrigued doesn’t happen every day, but just now and again something takes our interest and we become engaged with it. We may be fascinated with something, so much so, that we are energised and attentive. We want to know more; we want to find out what makes that person different to most of the other people we know. Have you had a friend tell you how wonderful the book they had just finishes was, or be it, the film or show they had just seen? Did their rendition of the said book alert your curiosity, and did you ask to borrow the book or film, so that you could find out all about it?  I have always loved writing, and one day a woman phoned me out of the blue and said that she had an unusual life story to tell and would like me to ghost-write it for her in the hope of having it published: I was totally intrigued and couldn’t wait to know more, and for the next year or so, I sat for hours writing her story which ended up on the shelves of a famous bookshop. That’s how fascinating it is to be intrigued about something…  There was also something else I became intrigued about and it’s what I based this website on and that is, the Art of Feng Shui.


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