Category: Feng Shui News

  • Feng Shui: Pain:

    Physical pain isn’t the only pain we suffer, there is emotional pain, an unmeasurable pain suffered that cannot be gaged from 1-10 or indeed 1- 100. When grieving, for a loved-one, a pet, a career disappointment, or any painful upset, being aware of the pain and calming down, easing your thoughts, and being still in…

  • Awareness: Pain:

    Awareness: Pain:

    Pain is a very unusual physical and mental sensation. Pain also comes in multiple levels, from itching, (which is the lowest form of pain) through to chronic pain which is the highest level of pain that can cause unconsciousness… Even so, there is still no way (yet) to scientifically measure pain, as everyone feels pain…

  • Feng Shui: Anxiety:

    Anxiety influences the mind to exaggerate everything. So, being calm and aware is paramount to coping with anxiety. We all suffer with anxiety from time to time, but most people are fortunate enough to be able to handle it. Try to create a peaceful, home environment where there is less, to worry about. Dispose of…

  • Feng Shui: Depression:

     Do you experience depression from time to time, or is it part of your everyday life. Sporadic depression is just a feeling of misery and sadness now and again; however, clinical depression is persistent and can last for weeks, even, months. It can cause a great deal of sadness and a loss of interest in…

  • Feng Shui: Relationships:

    Chinese geomancy encourages us to be aware and enlightened, on, not only our own-self but on that of our friends, acquaintances, and partners. Balance, true-balance is the basis of all good relationships, whether it be with a child, a parent, a friend, or lover. If any partnership is out of balance, on most of the…