Category: Feng Shui News

  • Feng Shui:  Anger.

    Anger is more likely to arise if you are tired, hungry, unwell, or confused. Therefore, before anger starts to rise, and take over your body. Try to tackle the problem that is besetting you. Have something to eat, try to sort out what is confusing you. Have a rest, all these simple solutions will help…

  • Feng Shui: Joyful: 

    The Chinese art of geomancy is all about balance and harmony. And although we are advised to keep our feelings under control our emotions come from our unconscious mind. Meaning we do not purposely feel joyful we just cannot help it. But we can learn to control our emotions, and by doing so helps to…

  • Feng Shui:  Fear:

    The art of placement helps us reduce our feelings of anxiety and discomfort in the home, by enabling us to arrange or furniture in order to reduce these feelings. Do you sit in an armchair where something across the room keeps catching your eye, makes you feel uncomfortable? An ornament, a picture, a table perhaps?…

  • Feng Shui: Intrigued:

     Many years ago, I came across a book called ‘The Feng Shui Handbook’ by Derek Walters. Please don’t ask me what intrigued me about such a boring looking book but I was totally fascinated by it and still am today, I think it’s because it teaches you how to be happy, healthy and wealthy whilst…

  • Feng Shui: Disgust.

    Chinese geomancy looks at situations that disgust and helps people move away in a bid to bring them peace, happiness, and good luck. So, what does feng shui find disgusting? One of the main problems in the home is clutter! Clutter encourages dirt, dust, cobwebs, mould, mildew, insects, and vermin of all kinds, and if…