Category: Feng Shui News

  • Feng Shui: Exercise.

    Those who practice feng shui would obviously turn their awareness thoughts to the movement recommend through yoga, so if you practice yoga movements, be aware of every move you make and be sure to keep the movement slow, relaxed, and meaningful, whilst focusing on slow, deep breathing. Even the exercise of sitting perfectly still is…

  • Feng Shui: Stress:

    Feng shui encourages balance and harmony in your everyday life. Stress creates very tense situations to arise which can quickly spiral out of control. If you believe you are living or working in a stressful situation, take some timeout so that you can process the stress-awareness you are experiencing. Then with relaxation, clear thought and…

  • Feng Shui: Sleep.

    Most Chinese geomancy consultants, would recommend you practicing relaxation techniques’ if you are experiencing sleep problems, you should always consult your GP or health advisor if you have serious sleep problems or sleep apnoea, but if it’s just a case of an over active mind, then with the help and support of the strong qualities…

  • Feng Shui: Mental Fatigue.

    The art of feng shui would encourage you to find time in the day when you can relax and become aware of your breathing. Deep breathing is very calming and serves to feed your body with lots of oxygen. Drink plenty of cool water, and exercise slowly, no harsh running or lifting heavy weights, just…

  • Feng Shui:  Awareness:

    Brain health is of the utmost importance, and to keep your brain in tip-top condition you need to Use it! Use it! Use it! – For if you don’t use it, you are sure to lose it… Feng shui is all about being in control and that includes your thoughts too. The green, wood Dragon…