Author: Joan Vine
Feng Shui: Love.
Balance and harmony in life is everything, including love-life. Always try to keep your feelings of love, care, and attention, under control. To become too adoring to someone you love can be stifling and can so easily result in break-down. Even more so, especially if the adoring partner becomes controlling and invasive. Remember everyone is…
Emotions: Loving.
To be a loving person means you easily connect with others. You are usually very caring and tend to seek the kind of career where you care-for or look after the welfare of other people who are in need of such attention. However, the emotion of love can take on different forms. Love is extremely…
Feng Shui: Ashamed:
Shame Is often seen when a feng shui consultant is contacted… When a client calls in a consultant because they went to feel more comfortable in their home, you will often note the emotion of shame and embarrassment from the homeowner. Once they have greeted you and invited you in, they will often start to apologise…
Emotions: Ashamed:
Oh, my goodness what it feels like to be ashamed! Such a bad and emotional feeling to be embarrassed or humiliated, especially in public. Have you ever done something or said something amongst your friends or family and an awkward silence follows? How awful you feel, and it’s usually something you cannot take back or…