Tag: happiness

  • Feng Shui:  Rivers and Streams.

    Feng Shui:  Rivers and Streams.

    Water from all source is precious to the feng shui devotee. Water is one of the five feng shui elements and it represents wealth, communication, and good luck. The creature that represents water is the turtle. Water is generally yin (feminine), but if the water flows fast, as in many rivers, and streams it is…

  • Wonderful-World: Rivers and Streams. 
  • Feng Shui: Wildlife.

    Feng Shui: Wildlife.

    Followers of this ancient Chinese practice are made very aware at the start of their feng shui journey that everything goes in cycles so they are not usually surprised to hear that one species of life may be dying out as another becomes stronger. Ch’I energy flows through and around all things from our rivers…

  • Wonderful World: Wildlife.

    Wonderful World: Wildlife.

    With all the hype about changes in climate etc., it is feared by many that our wildlife which includes animals, birds and insects will suffer. But far from climate change, much of our UK wildlife is affected by increased population and the fact that people need to eat and that includes you! A lot of…

  • Feng Shui:  Farm Animals.

    Feng Shui:  Farm Animals.

    Feng shui, or Chinese, geomancy thinking would automatically lead one into a balanced frame of mind, where food would be well planned out to include a modest amount of meat, fish and dairy foods, coupled with plenty of vegetables, salad vegetables, herbs and fruits. Many Feng Shui people are vegetarians or vegans which automatically helps…