Tag: Health
Emotions: Anger:
Anger is a particularly powerful emotion we feel when things go wrong, or if someone irritates or annoys us. We all get angry from time to time, which is usually accompanied with stress, and frustration. When we become angry, we can feel physically uncomfortable, our blood pressure rises, as does our voice and perhaps, our…
Emotions: Joyful:
Oh my! How wonderful it is to be joyful! Being joyful means that you are very happy. Perhaps you are looking forward to a holiday or perhaps it’s a special event, wedding, special birthday. Any, or all of these special times can make us feel excited, even ecstatic. Looking forward to something good is fantastic.…
Feng Shui: Fear:
The art of placement helps us reduce our feelings of anxiety and discomfort in the home, by enabling us to arrange or furniture in order to reduce these feelings. Do you sit in an armchair where something across the room keeps catching your eye, makes you feel uncomfortable? An ornament, a picture, a table perhaps?…
Emotions: Fear:
Humans have evolved and survived for many thousands of years mainly due to their automatic emotions, and one of the most successful in keeping us alive is FEAR. The feeling of fear is associated with anxiety, especially if we are already feeling insecure and vulnerable. The involuntary feeling of fear triggers distinctive neurons in the…