Author: Joan Vine

  • Feng Shui: Ashamed: 

    Feng Shui: Ashamed: 

    Shame Is often seen when a feng shui consultant is contacted…    When a client calls in a     consultant because they went to feel more comfortable in their home, you will often note the emotion of shame and embarrassment from the homeowner. Once they have greeted you and invited you in, they will often start to apologise…

  • Emotions: Ashamed:

    Emotions: Ashamed:

    Oh, my goodness what it feels like to be ashamed!  Such a bad and emotional feeling to be embarrassed or humiliated, especially in public.  Have you ever done something or said something amongst your friends or family and an awkward silence follows?  How awful you feel, and it’s usually something you cannot take back or…

  • Feng Shui:  Anger.

    Anger is more likely to arise if you are tired, hungry, unwell, or confused. Therefore, before anger starts to rise, and take over your body. Try to tackle the problem that is besetting you. Have something to eat, try to sort out what is confusing you. Have a rest, all these simple solutions will help…

  • Emotions:  Anger:

    Emotions:  Anger:

    Anger is a particularly powerful emotion we feel when things go wrong, or if someone irritates or annoys us. We all get angry from time to time, which is usually accompanied with stress, and frustration. When we become angry, we can feel physically uncomfortable, our blood pressure rises, as does our voice and perhaps, our…

  • Feng Shui: Joyful: 

    The Chinese art of geomancy is all about balance and harmony. And although we are advised to keep our feelings under control our emotions come from our unconscious mind. Meaning we do not purposely feel joyful we just cannot help it. But we can learn to control our emotions, and by doing so helps to…